Saturday 17 April 2010

The web as a vehicle for constructivist approaches in language teaching.

The article ‘The web as a vehicle for constructivist approaches in language teaching.’ sheds light on the contribution of technology in accelerating second language learning process. The article has reported two studies, carried out in 1999 and 2000, that have proved Web ‘as a viable environment for language learning (Felix, 2002)’. The article states that ‘websites set up an environment in which both processes and goals are stimulating and engaging (Felix, U. 2002). Well, there is no doubt that online learning activities are more interactive and involving than ‘paper-pen’ based activities. The online activities have an edge over paper based activities. Online activities have visual impact which can’t be found in paper based activities. Also, selecting correct answer with the ‘click-of-mouse’ is much more interesting than writing an answer in pen/pencil. Online learning activities ‘allow the learners to make mistakes in a safe environment’ (Felix, U. 2002). The learners feel free of the fear of loosing face in front of their classmates or being shouted at by their teachers. Through online activities students can have immediate feedback since ‘students quite like receiving instant feedback in self-access activities’ (Felix, U. 2002).

Felix (2002) also suggests that on-line learning ‘must lead to the acquisition of language and social interaction skills, in a way that reflects what is waiting for students in the real world’. Therefore, students must be engaged in online blogging/forums because it provides students an opportunity to develop their interaction skills through online communication with global community. Students feel more stress free while communicating online than communicating in classroom discussions.

1 comment:

  1. I do love the figurative use of "vehicle". And I agree with the comment that "click-of-mouse" is much more interesting than "paper-pen". But there is a concern that if the students are indulged in internet, they may lack appropriate social skills. So the teacher's guiding and leading are really important. Moreover, could you please share some your opinions with us? Thank you for your post!
